Monday, September 17, 2007

My opion about things

This morning , I came to school with my parents. In my car , they talk about ways to hotel. ArDay said it should use ..... A Choice. However ; my mother - Mae Koy said it should use ........ B Choice. If you were me , what your opion is.

My answer is Do it on your ways ( ArDay uses Choice A and Mae Koy uses Choice B )
Because I do not know the ways that they discuss but I am honour them and trust them. So I gave them an opportunities to do it.

What We Learn at LBS Primary School

We learn about Freedom and be as ourselve. We are much more confidence. We pride ourselve.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sorry , I can not pass round 3

Today , I go to Tennis Competition at Nitinggul Sport Club. I pass the first round ; however , I could not pass the second round. After the competition , I lost my tear that my game not like my training. I am not point of complaint to the competitor but I feel sorry to inform everybody that I love like T. John , T. Mihnea , T. Ben and etc. when I see them this Monday. I promise that I will keep trying and more training.

With Love.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Swiming Boy

Swimming , I can do with speed too.

Music & Super Star

After school , one thing that I learn is music. It is made my life fill full. I love music and I am happy to sing a song.

My Friends in Tennis Court

Today , I have a lot of friend to join playing in court. Kru Mee is my coach.

Prince & Princess of tennis & their Staff Coach

Today after school , I went to play tennis with my staff coach before competition this Sunday.
Frist Row : Left to Right : Pee Fang - Asistance Coach and Kru Mee Head Coach.
Second Row : Wan - Top Ranking Girl and Yes..... ABO - Tennis Super Star

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Western Cowboy

Chinese face but Western Suit.


Thai magician star is born.....

ABO In Actions

I have personnel photos by studio taking , one thing that my parent is happy to pay for.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Japanese Time

I have learned a lot of things. My friends' parent told me that I lost a play time. However ; my parent said life is too short , I should learn something as tools for using when I grow up. I have a time to play like when I learn Japanese with my Sensei - Kasem. I know nothing about this word but I am fully beleived that should be the invalueable things they give to me.

911 - Swimming In A Pool

I used to be afraid for swimming time but my parents still ask me to learn with Teacher Santi - Swimming Coach. He make me do things. I used to swim 40 round trip ( 1 round trip is around 50 meters ). Oh god.... After I swim for competition , I got metal coin on that competition. I told my parent it is not my way. I have merely to learn as your request not for competition. So my parents accept my decision , now swimming just be a part of my RT ( Relaxation Time )

My FT ( Free Time )

My parent said Life is too short so when I have Free Time I have been reading Japanese Cartoon as pratical.

Tennis Time

My last fight , I turn into round 3 but lost in round 4 (: However ; it tought me as one lesson game I missed.

My last fight

My last fight.....

I can swim

Other my activity is swimming that sport I had been hate it. It may be called I am afriad water to touch my face. Time change I am changing too. See......

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Golfer in Action

Other Shot....


Other sport that I have played is golf , I have learned since I was 4 years old.

Tennis Training

I have to train tennis after school for my competition.

Golf Junior Player

I always go to drive golf when I have a free time with my family.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Chinese & Japanese

Both of langauges , you can learn in my school. Good vision to our future career , it must be invalueable.....